Monday, August 1, 2011

The Trials Are On

This is the first post for the US Lightweight Mens 8.  Here's the crew:

Bow - Jimmy Sopko
2 - Kenny McMahon
3 - Christian Klein
4 - Will Newell
5 - Nick LaCava
6 - Ed (Mix) King
7 - Matt Kochem
Stroke - Austin Meyer
Cox - Jack Carlson 

We are training for the 2011 World Rowing Championships to be held in Bled, Slovenia.  Officially, we are not on the US Team yet.  This week the US Trials begin for senior worlds and until we go down the course in 1st place we are not Slovenia bound.  We are the only entry in our event so the trial is just a formality.  The hardest part is going to be making weight and ensuring our boat is not underweight.

Some of our teamates in other events are not so lucky.  I think the race to watch this year will be the lightweight mens double (LM2X).  There are 3 solid crews in that event.  Needing no mention, is the combo of Deregt and Winters.  They have been a staple in US and International lightweight sculling for a number of years and did very well last year.  However, old Tom Paradiso is back with a young, inspiring partner in Bob Duff.  They gave Deregt and Winters a run for their money at Elite Nationals 4 weeks ago and are looking to improve on their 2nd place performance.  The 3rd crew is a dark horse and I think could wreck everyone's week.  Taylor Washburn and John Graves have put their talents together with Taylor in the stroke seat.  The last time I saw a Washburn in the stroke seat the crew was almost unbeatable.  The race for lanes should be exciting tomorrow.

Have a good night.

- Jimmy

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