Friday, August 26, 2011

Bee Aggressive

As racing comes closer and closer, the adrenaline begins to flow a little more.  We, the lightweight men’s 8, did some 500 meter pieces this morning.  We were trying to focus on swinging together and being aggressive.  There are some other Slovenian inhabitants bee-ing aggressive as well. 

Some of the first Slovenians we met when we got to Bled were the local bees.  They are not bashful.  They will visit while you are walking, shopping, rowing or running.  Austin was stung in between his toes.  Nick was stung while rowing and at least 3 others in our 8 alone have been stun.  I saw some members of the US heavy men’s 8 dancing around some bees this morning. 

Yesterday, as we were preparing to launch on the dock, I was putting my oar in and all of a sudden the dock began gyrating and I heard a lot of commotion coming from behind me.  It was Nick and he was trying to swat a bee with the towel he brings in the boat to prevent his water bottle from bouncing around.  It was hilarious.  Nick was jumping like a monkey and swinging the towel like I would imagine a caveman waving his club.  Unfortunately, Nick did not kill the bee and just managed to piss it off more. 

I was doing some postcard shopping with Kenny and Nicole Dinion from the LW4x and felt a pinch in my left thigh under my shorts.  I lifted the shorts to see what it was and I couldn’t believe it.  A bee (more like a yellow jacket because it didn’t die after stinging me) was lodged; butt first in to my leg.  It was flying furiously, trying to get away and did not do so until I flicked it.  It was funny, except the pain in my thigh began to grow and the humor began to escape me.  I couldn’t believe how aggressive that bee was. 

The first related story that came to mind was high school basketball.  I used to go to all of the Mathews High basketball games to try and socialize.  One of the things I remember is the cheerleader cheer (I can’t believe I’m documenting this memory) Be Aggressive, B – E Aggressive, B- E A-G-G R-E-S-S-I-V-E.  I can sing it for you some time to get the full affect. 

So like the bees, the US Team is hoping to go for broke on the race course and get the job done this coming week.  Only 1.5 days until racing starts!  Get Aggressive and BEE Aggressive.

- Jimmy

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