Monday, August 8, 2011

Do Work

I've had the pleasure of calling more than a few boathouses home.  Mathews/Mobjack, Gunnery, Navy, Everett, Pocock, Mercer, OKC and now Dartmouth.  With those facilities come different types of coaching and again, I consider myself lucky to have been influenced by each one of them.  The funniest coach I've had was in Everett and then I followed him to Pocock.  That would be the man, the myth, the legend... Matt Lacey.  Matt has a way of making the worst, most painful work seem fun.  He's gregarious, yet he knows his crews have to work hard to move fast.  One of my favorite Matt Lacey comments is "Do Work!"  It's such a simple phrase.  At the same time, it has a lot of power behind it.  You can think about it as pulling your brains out or focusing so hard technically you go cross eyed.  

Now that we have officially made the team it's time to come back to Hanover and DO WORK.  Up to this point in the camp the 9 of us have made a lot of great technical changes and done a lot of physical work.  However, we have to raise our game.  The 2k at trials was not terrible, but I believe could have been better.  In order to win the World Championships we are going to have to put in the work and just get faster.  You can't avoid the work.  We are all excited to continue working with Dan on the Connecticut and even more excited to get over to Slovenia and test ourselves.
Above is a picture of me doing work in my Pocock unisuit (along with a disgusting mustache that I shaved about 3 hours after this was taken).  

Have a good one and don't forget to donate!  
- Jimmy

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