Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hanover/OKC composite wins in an upset!

Racing with an extra 10 lbs of "insurance weight" in the boat, eliminating any possibility of being DQed, the now-official US LM8+ rowed down the course with some authority this morning.  Despite the increasing headwind squashing our hopes for a quick race, we walked off the water satisfied but still eager for improvement along the entire 2k-o-fun.  We went off the line at a 46 for the high strokes before eventually settling to a 37 (give or take a beat) for the body.  In the final 500m we were able to make two shifts up to a 42 to finish the piece and stop the clock at 5:57.  While this race was the most important race on everyone's mind, in no way have we tapered for it - saving some extra juice for when there are medals to be won.  Now we are really looking forward to some side by side racing over the next few days here in Princeton - and even more so when we head to Slovenia where we won't be able to understand the cox's next to us (how DO you say power 10 in Italian?)  But until then, we will be matching up against the current US LM4- plus the two light 2-'s from trials (which consists of a Kyle and three Phil's) in an 8+ this afternoon and tomorrow before we head back to Hanover.  By the way, now that we've completed trials, we need to start raising some funds to make it to Slovenia!  So if you would like to donate, please go HERE


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