Thursday, August 11, 2011

Attack of the Beard

Over the last few years, I've noticed a few things.  First, rowing is really hard. Second, there seems to be a loose connection between having a beard and being really good at rowing.  I'll let the other guys talk about how hard rowing is, and in this post, I'll talk about growing a beard.  

A beard has never seemed to be a big deal to me.  The whole time I was growing up my Dad had a glorious mustache and usually a beard too.  When it came time for me to grow my first fuzz, truthfully I was a little scared; would I be able to carry on my heritage with something glorious, or would it be scraggly and unbecoming?  When it grew out, a sigh of relief washed over me, and I think it turned out OK.

Since then, I have had an On/OFF relationship with facial hair.  Often my beard length would follow the seasons, as it keeps the sun off in the summer, and the warmth in in the winter.

As my beard has come and gone, I've noticed many others in the rowing world with glorious beards. They often seem to be the amazing rowers too. In my innocence, I began to wonder, "could it be the power of the beard which makes them amazing rowers"? Since I have not figured it out yet, I invite you to gaze upon some of the glorious beards that have shown themselves in elite rowing in the last few years:

Eric Murray, New Zealand 2-:

Olaf Tufte, Norwegian 1X:

Derek Rasmussen, Cambridge University Boat Club President:

I'm sure there are more, but I have been rushing this so I invite anyone to comment with more bearded rowers who have come up over the years.

 - Kenny

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